June 8


How to Do My Paper with a Good Introduction

What is the main feature of ‘Star Wars’ known to all people? It is the iconic opening with the story on the screen. The lines with texts glide through the galaxy. They are telling everything about the world of ‘Star Wars.’ How to do my paper introduction so that it will be interesting? If you have never written papers before, it is better to order a sample from a writing service. You can use this sample to learn to write not only interesting introductions but the whole paper as well. Also, you can check the tips below.

Why Is It Necessary to Have an Introduction?

The introduction is the first portion of a student’s essay or research paper. Compose an introduction if you wish your work to be coherent. A decent opening establishes the tone for your essay. It provides a summary of the issue to be discussed for the reader.

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Imagine that your reader is unfamiliar with the subject. Introductions are ideal places to expand on the problem’s origins. It’s a spot for facts, statistics, and, most importantly, a conclusion statement.

An Introduction As A Thematic Overture

Do you recall ‘Gone with the Wind’? During the film’s opening, you may hear the traditional overture from The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938). As the lovely Romantic piece plays, the viewer is taken away to a magnificent Southern landscape. The first two minutes establish the tone for the audience. Consider your opening as a prelude that establishes the tone of your work for the reader.

The opening of the novel, set in 1855 Alabama, draws the reader back to the 1850s American South. In your essay, do the same. Let’s assume you’re writing an essay on the value of technology. ‘Imagine the world without the internet, coffee machines, or cellphones.’ Begin by pondering, What would life be like if we didn’t have access to these things?

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Continue on. ‘There isn’t any electricity, and the only source of light throughout the evening is a candle.’ Your audience will now be more receptive to your message about the significance of contemporary technology.

Catch That Phrase

Yes, your essay’s initial sentence should pique the reader’s interest. Here, the most effective strategy is to provide data that surprise or amuse the reader. Write your paper using logical or emotional argumentation. Don’t just tell your audience what you’re going to do and how it will affect them; show them instead. Appeal to the reader’s emotions with your creativity and use it to create contrast.

  • Begin with the ‘imagine if…’ Your sentences should establish a tone and keep the reader emotionally involved, just as previously stated.
  • Keep them reading. ‘Imagine if you had no influence over who ruled your nation or what you could talk about.’
  • Make your reader laugh. You can begin your essay with a joke, as long as it’s suitable for everyone and relevant to the theme.
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Illustrate Your Reasoning

If you want to start your paper with facts and statistics, go for it! Numbers are your greatest allies here. Make sure to credit the official source from which you’ve obtained the information.

  • Facts are an excellent weapon against the most stubborn opponents. Isn’t it obvious that the Earth has a round form?
  • Don’t make the mistake of thinking that statistics is an objective science and that it should be considered “neutral” or “unbiased.” It is precisely the opposite. Numbers are the language of truth, regardless of whether we want to listen or not. ‘Did you know that every fifth African on the planet doesn’t have enough to eat right now?’ It is a wonderful opening line for an essay about world hunger.
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Remember About The Thesis

A thesis statement is required in every introduction. How should you phrase your argument in a paper? Should I go big or small? The number of arguments you’ll need to refute depends on the subject and the amount of substance you’ll be addressing. The length of a thesis statement varies, ranging from a few lines to just 20 words.

A Few More Tips for Writing a Good Paper Introduction

Use an anecdote

Anecdotes are short stories that can be funny or even inspirational. Choose one that is related to your theme. It will help the reader to understand what your paper is about and why it is important.

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Make a bold statement

This is a great way to start your paper if you want to grab the attention of the reader from the very beginning. Make a strong statement that will provoke thoughts and make people want to read on to see how you support it.

Ask a question

Asking a question is another great way to start your paper because it will engage the reader and make them want to find out the answer. Be sure to answer the question in the body of your paper.

Use a quote

If you have a favorite quote that is relevant to your paper, you can use it to get the attention of the reader. Just be sure to explain why the quote is significant and how it relates to your paper.

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These are just a few ideas on how to write an interesting introduction for your paper. Be creative and try to think of something unique that will make your essay stand out.



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