February 27



If spring cleaning has to be done, then at least it should be done efficiently. With our checklist, cleaning is four times easier: simple, thorough, quick, and sustainable. Here we show you how to make your home shine while protecting the environment and your nerves. People with a plan not only work more efficiently but are also happier in the process. And after the word is done you should try our next secret tip: BetLabel login.

It’s spring again! Pros: Sunshine, birdsong, and spring fever. Disadvantages: Pollen count, tiredness – and spring cleaning. At least we can help you with the latter.

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Because: The best way to do this year’s spring cleaning is with a checklist on which you record the various tasks you want to do in a sensible order.


A spring cleaning checklist has several advantages: Firstly, you always know exactly how much you have already done and secondly, you can see what still needs to be done. This allows you to keep an overview and reward yourself regularly when you have completed a task.

If you take a systematic approach, you also prevent yourself from forgetting a task or, most annoyingly, cleaning something that you have already cleaned. This makes you more efficient and you’ll finish faster.

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The following items should not be missing from your spring cleaning checklist:

     Empty boxes if necessary (for discarded items)

     Siphon (“plunger”) or baking soda and vinegar essence for drains

     garbage bags

     Carpet beater if necessary

     Ecological detergent for curtains and textiles

     feather duster, dust cloths

     Cleaning rags and cloths for drying, sponge

     Mop and bucket

     Gloves if necessary

     Vacuum cleaner

As far as cleaning products are concerned, the following will suffice:

     All-purpose cleaner (you can also make your own)

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     Ecological washing-up liquid

     Ecological bathroom cleaner or vinegar or citric acid against limescale

     Ecological glass cleaner or newspaper for cleaning windows

     organic scouring milk (or baking soda, salt, and liquid soap for homemade scouring milk)

Our advice: You should completely avoid harsh cleaners with strong acids, strong alkalis, or disinfectant cleaners. Find out how to spring clean without industrially produced cleaning products here: These 5 household remedies replace almost all cleaning products

Your spring cleaning checklist could look like this, for example

If you haven’t already done so: Collect Christmas decorations and put them away for next year.

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Mucking out? Do you want to do a thorough tidy first and muck out right away before you start cleaning? An excellent idea! Because you don’t have to clean what’s not in the way (anymore).

Clean drains, empty garbage cans

If you have carpets, take them out into the fresh air and give them a good beating (carpet cleaning tips). Then leave them rolled up until the rest of the spring cleaning tasks have been completed. Otherwise, the carpets will only get in your way and become unnecessarily dirty.

The same applies to curtains: If you want to clean them, now is the best time to take them down and put them in the washing machine.

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Then remove cobwebs from ceilings and walls in all rooms and, if necessary, clean or dust lampshades. We have collected tips on effective dusting here.

Then work your way down from the top by dusting shelves, cupboards, picture frames, window sills, door frames, and other horizontal surfaces. If you are particularly thorough, you can also clean the radiators.

Change bed linen

Bedroom, living room, and dining room: The small and medium-sized tasks that need to be done in these rooms during spring cleaning vary from person to person and also depend on your need for cleanliness. You may want to clean the mattress in the bedroom and throw the sofa and cushion covers in the washing machine in the living room. If they don’t have a cover, you can clean the upholstered furniture with home remedies. It may also be worth clearing out all cupboard compartments and drawers to wipe them out with a damp cloth.

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This is another opportunity to declutter (see above).

Then vacuum all rooms – except for the kitchen, bathroom, and hallway, which come last.

Only when most of the dust is out of the apartment: clean the windows. This will prevent your clean windows from getting dirty again. Here you can find tips on cleaning windows with household products.

Unpopular, but recommended once a year for hygiene reasons: thorough kitchen cleaning. You can plan half a day to a whole day for this. Tasks such as thoroughly cleaning the oven, fridge, and microwave as well as wiping down cupboards and shelves await you. Individual parts such as glass plates or plastic shelves can go into the dishwasher. The particularly brave can also wipe down the extractor hood and replace the extractor filter. Also recommended at least once a year: Clean the dishwasher separately.

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